'Phenomenal', 'wonderful', 'remarkable', 'a champion man' - Stephen Baxter tributes from Irish League peers after news of Crusaders exit date

Crusaders manager Stephen Baxter celebrates Irish League title success in 2018. (Photo by Stephen Hamilton/INPHO)Crusaders manager Stephen Baxter celebrates Irish League title success in 2018. (Photo by Stephen Hamilton/INPHO)
Crusaders manager Stephen Baxter celebrates Irish League title success in 2018. (Photo by Stephen Hamilton/INPHO)
Stephen Baxter’s record as the current longest-serving manager in world football at one club will draw to a close this summer with confirmation of a Crusaders exit after close to two decades.

A statement from Baxter posted over the official Crusaders social media platforms on Saturday confirmed “after long consideration I feel that now is the time to plan for the club’s future and I have informed the Chairman of my decision to step away at the end of the season”.

Reaction from fellow Irish League managers past and present across media interviews highlighted the respect for Baxter as both boss and person:

David Healy

"Stephen's a champion sportsperson, a champion man.

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"Someone who I really like, somebody I've got on extremely well with...we've battled it out for a number of seasons in cup and league.

"The job he's done at Crusaders, not only on the pitch but in and around the club...the success they've had.

"Getting promoted, the Setanta Cup wins, the European runs they've been on, the glory they've had, the cup competitions of late and certainly the league championships they've won...Stephen is one of the most decorated, he's a gentleman, he's passionate.

"He'll be sorely missed by all at Seaview and for me personally.

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"I've absolutely no doubt he has so much to offer whether he goes into coaching or management, he's brilliant on the TV, he's very honest, he understands the game.

"I will get the opportunity to see him when we play again, I'll look forward to it and I wish him well.

"As someone who watched the league from afar when Crusaders were successful and continued to be successful, when you've had the level of success he's had in the 19 years it says a lot about the man."

Lee Feeney

"Stephen's been fantastic for that club and will leave a big, big void.

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"How he's handled the pressure of being manager at a club so big and challenged every year for 19 years is remarkable.

"He's going to be missed."

Niall Currie

"I think he'll go down in history...certainly at Crusaders and well deserved.

"I was taken aback by it.

"To go 19 years at one club tells you everything about his legacy.

"He's been a wonderful, wonderful manager and when you think of Crusaders you think of Stephen Baxter

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"I've known him a long time as well and I'm not too sure he's done with football.

"I think he'll go and recharge his batteries...when he gets himself refreshed he'll miss it and I think he'll come back again and manage."

Jim Ervin

"I just found out when we were on the pitch beforehand.

"The service that he has given Crusaders.

“And we all know the story of when he was put in charge when they were relegated to where they are now - he deserves immense credit for what he's done.

"When you look at the changes at Seaview from then to now on and off the pitch...that's a massive part of Stephen Baxter.

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"It will be a massive job for someone else coming in because what Stephen's achieved is nothing short of phenomenal."

Stuart King

"It's monumental news for the Irish League...he's been an unbelievable manager and the world's longest-serving manager.

"For him to step down is massive news for not only Crusaders but the league as he's been phenomenal.

"There's going to be lots of people interested in the job, it's a massive opportunity for somebody."

David Jeffrey

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"We played as young boys growing up together, we were team-mates together at Linfield and then managers who opposed each other on many occasions.

"What that man has achieved and what he has accomplished at Crusaders is remarkable.

"If people go right back to the very beginning, Crusaders looked down and out so to speak and he was asked to come in for a period and has been absolutely unbelievable.

"In an age now where we talk about private investment and money in the game, Crusaders is a model for any club in how they've gone about simply increasing their ability to improve by way of players succeeding on the pitch.

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"An unbelievable gentleman, a man who has achieved so much at Crusaders.

"He will be a massive loss...not just to Crusaders but to Irish League football.

"A wonderful servant to Irish League football, a wonderful servant to Crusaders and he will be missed massively."

The full statement from Baxter released by Crusaders is as follows: “After 19 incredible years as Manager of our Football Club the decision for me to step away was always going to be a difficult one.

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“After long consideration I feel that now is the time to plan for the club’s future and I have informed the Chairman of my decision to step away at the end of the season.

“It has been an honour and privilege for me to serve the club and the special memories we created together will forever be ingrained in our hearts.

"I would like to thank all the players, staff, board members and our incredible fans who have walked this journey with me from start to finish. It’s been an incredible ride.

"Planning now gives the club time to prepare for the next chapter but rest assured with a number of points still needed to make the playoffs, it will be foot to the mat to the end of the season as we chase another European adventure.

“So in the only way we know how, let’s get behind the team and give it our lot and see where it takes us.

“Always in my heart. Keep the faith. Stephen”